Category Archives: 2 – Healthy Living Tips

290 – Mosquito Repellent Formula

One thing I learned at the Master Leaders’ Retreat in Ecuador was to use the Ecuador oils first or in combination with other oils. Gary Young has done extensive testing on these oils and they are extremely potent.

The best oils for bug repellents that would come from Ecuador would be:

palo santo

Happy 4th to all,


I make a blend of Purification, cedarwood, and peppermint, but I heard GY say on a phone call that Palo Santo was an amazing bug repellent…since you have that, you could give it a try!



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“When health is absent and the body is weak, wisdom
cannot reveal itself, reason is powerless and wealth is useless.”

242 – Neuropathy: Charcot-Marie-Tooth Snydrome

For neuropathy, the 4 oils that work well are peppermint, geranium, juniper and helichrysum. If circulation is a problem, add cypress. If it is the type of Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome that involved demyeliniaztion of the peripheral nerves, then pregnenolone (PD 80/20 and Prenolone Plus (with DHEA) and Super B may be helpful.

Since it is a genetic disorder it is a bit harder to deal with. Perhaps Frankincense would help with the DNA. ImmuPower and/or Cistus may help as they help with autoimmune disease, and although it is not autoimmune, the body does destroy it’s own tissue, so maybe that would ameliorate the symptoms.

Exercise and physical therapy are also said to help.

Make the day great!

Kathaleen May =)


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241 – Allergic Reaction To Oils – Impossible

It is impossible to have an allergic reaction to a distilled essential oil
because allergies are immune responses to proteins, peptides, and amino
acids, of which none are found in distilled essential oils because these do
not survive the distillation process. However, expressed oils, such as
citrus, as well as solvent extracted oils, such as Jasmine, Neroli, or
Onycha, along with blends containing carriers, such as Valor which contains
Almond oil, can cause allergic reactions. One can be allergic to carrier
oils because they do contain traces of protein and polypeptides. Rashes
following the use of distilled essential oils are detox reactions. For a
complete discussion of rashes and other reactions to oils, see the book,
The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple, Chapter 12,
available at and other sources.

David Stewart


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240 – Essential Oil Tips – Omega Blue, Longevity, 5 Day Cleanse

Following are the great notes that Joan Apter, YL Silver took
on a conference call held Feb. 1/11.

Doug Corrigan – VP of Product Management with Young Living
delivered the message.

Thank you so much Joan, for sharing them with us!!!

Subject: Longevity, Omega Blue, and 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse

Traveled the world teaching about the products Last 6 years with
Young Living, involved with Gary Young and product development

Confusion in the marketplace about fats & how longevity fits into this.
Fats have been demonized, but what about healthy fats?

This confusion began with #1 killer, heart disease. Even our young
people are getting susceptible to heart disease. The mis-perceptions
about fats have led to some of this increase in heart disease. When we
started to believe that cholesterol caused heart disease. We know that
fats are an essential nutrient. There are unsaturated and saturated
fats, there are misperceptions about each.

Unsaturated fats: the fluid fats. They are liquid at room temperature.
They are important for the body, support cardio vascular, hormonal and
so many organs in the body. All organs are made of cells, and every
membrane of every cell is made up of fat. What we intake is what makes
up the cellular membrane. If we intake the right kind of fats, the
cell will be working well. If not, if we take in damaging fats, we
will damage cellular struction, inflammation, health problems. In last
80 years have begun to consume damaging fats: trans fats. Increase of
over 400%. Consumption of omega-3’s (a healthy polyunsaturated fat)
has decreased by 80%. These mis- perceptions have been leading us in
the wrong direction.

Elaine bloom in 1986 published about trans fats:
“From margerine to tater tots, they don’t pose a threat to health.
These oils are benign.”

Now, science has reversed this position

Harvard school, 3,000 premature deaths can be contributed to trans fatty
acids. Heart disease, inflammatory diseases, breast cancer, brain
function, nerve cells work less efficiently.

50% of all people who die from heart attack have no prior history of
heart disease. This is an alarming statistic.
Researched people who had died suddenly from a heart attack with no
prior history, specifically physicians who died of heart disease. They
found that high blood level of omega 3’s reduced sudden cardiac death
by 80%! Those who died had low levels of omega 3’s.

Tons of options of how to increase our omega 3’s.
Trans fats are often lumped into omega 6’s. But there are healthy
omega 6’s.
Optimal Ratio of omega 3’s to omega 6’s is: 1 omega to 3 or 4 omega
The average is 1 to 10 or even up to 50
Chrones, Diabetes, cancer, brain disorders, heart disease, hormone
balance is helped by omega 3’s.
Healthy fishes, legumes, nuts

In the past, fats were highly regarded, especially animal fats. They
had to be protected from rancidity. They used aromatics to do that.
Clove and thyme were used for that.

But we need to supplement our omega 3’s.
Downside of omega 3’s is that they are tempermental molecules that can
be easily damaged by heat, oxygen. (hydrogenation)
By adding essential oils to omega 3 fatty acids, we see a synergytic

Fish oil enhanced with essential oils add 10 times the stability to
the molecules

Omega blue: our Young Living product
Smarter than other products

Essential oil of clove in the product. Stopping lipid degeneration and
slowing rancidity

Eugenol reduces inflammation an additional 30% over and above the
anti inflammatory effects of omega 3’s.

Clove is an anti thrombotic (reduces the stickiness of blood) same
effect as aspirin, without the negative effects.
Clove oil increases circulation.

Clove is the ultimate anti-oxidant. 400 times more powerful than
blueberries or pomegranate or acai. German chamomile, a anti
inflammatory, also in omega blue. Chamazulene and bisabolol molecules.
Lemongrass increases heart protective property of fish oil. Drop in
cholesterol with lemongrass. Myrrh, digestive, anti inflammatory, anti
oxidant, skin conditions.

The fish oil in omega blue is totally pure. We go to great lengths to
source the fish oil.

If the fish oil contains heavy metals (mercury), pcb’s, dioxins, which
can concentrate into the fats and muscles of the fish. Our fish oil
comes from small fish, and goes through a purification process, to
protect the levels of DHA (the ones we want) to EPA. We have a special
coating to the omega blue to deliver the fish oils directly to the
intestines. Absorbs 3 times better.
We know that fats are constantly degrading with our aging process.
Rapid aging-cell membranes aging, arteries stiffen, brain fog, etc.
omega blue to stop the aging process.

The other product, longevity, comes in bottle which is on special this
month. Also comes in capsules.

Great companion to omega blue. Anti oxidant oils.
Other oils we would have liked to put in omega blue are in longevity.
When taken in tandem, synergistic effect. All organs protected.

Oils in longevity are amazing.
Orange, thyme, frankincense, clove. Thyme is the lead oil in longevity.
We wished we could have put it in omega blue

2nd highest orac anti oxidant oil (followed by mountain savory)
Protects DHA. In the cerebral cortex, logic and reasoning. When
oxidized by aging or free radical attacks, memory loss, dementia, death.
Thyme is an anti-rancidity oil. Thyme and clove protect omega 3 and
dha fats. Research in scotland, elevated the omega 3 and dha levels as
younger animals. Did study with mice. Reversed the aging process.

Dietary administration had a marked effect on fatty acid distribution,
to levels observed in younger mice. Slowing and reversing the aging
process (study from 1999)

Eyesight- lipid peroxidation- dha critical for eye health and macular

3.9 mg daily of thyme slowed degeneration in the eye.
Thyme protects the liver. Thymol comparable to milk thistle. If the
liver is healthy we can balance many other conditions. Thyme helps
with pathogens; fungus, mold, bacteria, virus.

The essential oil in plants repel invaders. When we put them in our
body, we can reduce the levels of these pathogens. Lysteria pathogen,
associated with bad breath, but can become systemic. Comes from the
food we eat. Both thyme and clove.

Take a drop of longevity oil and put it on the tongue. Cleansing the
mouth in such a profound way.

Another pathogen are viruses. Clove and thyme reduce proliferation of
viruses, especially the herpes virus.

Eugenol and thymol are anti-viral.
Anti mold. Toxic mold. Black molds. If we diffuse longevity blend, may
not be the most appealing blend to smell, but using it as a cleansing
agent, could have profound effects on mold.
Immune system booster.

So many studies out on eugenol and thymol.

High amounts of limonene in orange and frankincense. Pubmed search
limonene. Anti tumoral unrivaled. Most active in inhibiting cancer in
the initiation phase. Inhibits skin cancer initiation. Diet of 1%
limonene reduced tumors. Protects the cell membranes. Inhibit growth
of all 3 stages of cancer. Stopping mutations at their inception.
Limonene studies- clincial trials are immense, breast and colon cancer.
Highest is Grapefruit, followed by tangerine and orange. Highest
limonene essential oils

Limonene Increases glutathione. Detoxes the liver. Low levels: heart
disease, diabetes.

Glutathione is all the rage right now. Everyone trying
to get a precursor to glutathione. Nothing is going to beat limonene.

    Take some longevity oil, you’ll see it go up.

Always talk about quality. We are assuming that when we talk about
these oils, it has to be an authentic essential oil, from seed to
seal. That’s how we guarantee our oils. There are short cuts that can
be taken. With clove, they use different parts, not just the bud,
which it should be. Young Living clove is only the bud, the highest
levels of eugenol.

With Limonene rich oils, you have to beware about pesticides. A study
showed Pesticide residues in 148 different tested lemon, orange and
mandarin oils. 64% of lemon oils on the market have pesticide
residues. Same with orange and mandarin oils tested. All had pesticides.

With Young Living, these oils have been tested and are pesticide free.

Take the omega blue and longevity on a daily basis.
They will protect you. Long-term effects will be so beneficial.

Five day nutritive cleanse

To be done on a regular basis. NingXia Red daily. Blood sugar
regulator with the 5-day cleanse.

We feel passionate that we want to get in people’s hands so you can
experience the effects.

We would like you to have a habit for health!

Learn about these products.

Joan Apter


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229 – Emotional Trauma

Help Request:

hello group, i have been a caregiver for many yrs of different ages. now, i think i’ve come into my most challenging patient. she is in her early seventies and just sits and wants to watch tv for the past two yrs since her husband passed on. is there some oil i can put on my hands or other part of my body that would possibly stir her to be alive to the moment and open up and just chat, or whatever she chooses ? thank you. laura

Help Response:

Hello Laura,

There is definitely a protocol of oils that ease this woman’s suffering:

Valor – drop on one wrist, and hold the other wrist to it for a minute or so

Harmony – over the solar plexus (above belly button)

Joy – over the heart

White Angelica – drop into one hand, rub hands together, brush from the top of the head, down the body, lightly touching the body, as though applying an “angelic shield.”

You can even make up capsules which contain 1-4 drops of each oil (all in one cap) and she can take these caps once or twice a day, if she wants to.

Any of these 4 oils, alone, will also help, especially Joy.

And, honestly, she will probably feel better with almost any oil. Oils raise our frequency and lift our spirits.

A peppermint foot rub will brighten her day and she will feel more energized.

Other great oils: Awaken, Peace and Calming, Lavender on her feet and pillowcase to help her sleep better.

Frankincense lifts the spirits. Rose, although expensive, can work

Trauma Life might be helpful.

Release may help.

And if she does not want the oils on, you can put them on just as you arrive for work, and become a human diffuser.

Ultimately, this is her choice, but I hope that she will decide that she still has a lot to offer the world.

Vicki Opfer


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228 – Fluid Drainage Massage Protocol

I have a friend who was having a problem with fluid that would not drain
from the tissues. She did not call it specifically ‘lymphatic drainage’ but
it was to drain fluid. She had me mix it up and then her friend who was a
massage therapist apply it and said it worked well.

I will pass it along in case it may help someone else.

In 30ml of carrier oil
8 drops black pepper
8 drops rosemary
6 drops grapefruit
5 drops geranium
2 drops Juniper
1 drop frankincense

Donna Cochrane


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225 – Bed Bug Buster Protocol

A bit of information that you might like to know about an entomologist (insect expert), and has been telling people that there is an epidemic of bed bugs now occurring in America. Recently I have heard on the news that several stores in NYC have had to close due to bed bug problems, as well as a complete mall in New Jersey. He says that since much of our clothing, sheets, towels, etc. now comes from companies outside of America, (sad but true), even the most expensive stores sell foreign clothing from China, Indonesia, etc. The bed bugs are coming in on the clothing as these countries do not consider them a problem. He recommends that if you buy any new clothing, even underwear and socks, sheets, towels, etc. that you bring them into the house and put them in your clothes dryer for at least 20 minutes. The heat will kill them and their eggs.

It does not matter what the price range is of the clothing, or if the outfit comes from the most expensive store known in the U.S. They still get shipments from these countries and the bugs can come in a box of scarves or anything else for that matter. That is the reason why so many stores, many of them clothing stores have had to shut it down in NYC and other places. All you need is to bring one item into the house that has bugs or eggs and you will go to hell and back trying to get rid of them. He travels all over the country as an advisor to many of these stores, as prevention and after they have the problem.

Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite
As if you needed something else to worry about, bedbugs, those pests from the old bedtime rhyme are making a comeback. More of a nuisance than a health hazard, they’re showing up to suck blood from people in hotels, college dorms, and hospitals. Take an informative look at bedbugs: what they are, where they lurk, and how to spot them before they get you.

Know the Enemy
Bedbugs are small, flat, wingless insects with six legs that, like mosquitoes, feed on blood from animals or people. They range in color from almost white to brown, but they turn rusty red after feeding. The common bedbug doesn’t grow much longer than 0.2 inches (0.5 centimeters) and can be seen by the naked eye to the astute observer. Bedbugs get their name because they like to hide in bedding and mattresses. During hotel stays, keep luggage off the floor and zipped.

Am I at Risk for Infestation?
Bedbugs are most often found in hotels, hostels, shelters, and apartment complexes where lots of people come and go. Because bedbugs hide in small crevices, they can hitch a ride into your home on luggage, pets, furniture, clothing, boxes, and other objects. Bedbugs are found worldwide, but are most common in developing countries. Once rare in North America, they may be on the rise due, in part, to increases in international travel. This is when you will want to use your Thieves Spray and Purification Bed bugs feed while you sleeping with peak activity just before dawn,

Feeding Habits
These nocturnal creatures can hide in beds, floors, furniture, wood, and paper trash during the day. We humans usually become their dinner during the night, with peak biting activity just before dawn.They can obtain their meal in as little as three minutes, after which they are engorged and drop off the host, then crawl into a hiding place to digest their meal. Bedbugs can live for 10 months, and can go weeks without feeding. To stop the itching use Tranquil , lavender, Purification
Bed bugs leaves red itchy bites on the skin usually in rows.

Signs and Symptoms of Bedbug Bites
Amazingly, these sneaky little bloodsuckers dine on you without waking you. You don’t feel their stealthy bite because they inject a numbing agent into your body, along with an anticoagulant to keep your blood flowing as they suck. The first sign of bedbugs may be itchy, red bites on the skin, usually on the arms or shoulders. Bedbugs tend to leave straight rows of bites.
Scratching bites can lead to infection.

Treating Bites
Bedbug bites do not usually require treatment. If a secondary infection occurs (usually from scratching), apply Rose Ointment adding an extra drop of Melrose in a dab or Thieves oil and apply Thieves oil around the infection if open not direct into the sore. Take Thieves in a capsule. In these more severe cases, you may need to see your doctor.
Adult bed bug ingesting a meal from a human

Do Bedbugs Transmit Diseases?
Bedbugs are more of a nuisance than a health hazard. In a recent study, researchers reviewed 53 recent studies on bedbugs and their health and medical effects. The results showed that although bedbugs have been blamed for the spread of up to 40 different human diseases, there is little evidence to suggest they are carriers of human disease. Check for bed bug along the seam of mattresses.

Bedbug or Imposter?
Don’t assume your bites are bedbugs. Bites can be hard to identify, even for doctors. Rule out mosquitoes, fleas, mites, and biting gnats by conducting a visual inspection. It’s best to collect and identify bedbugs to confirm bites. Look for the bugs themselves or their bloodstains, especially along the seams of mattresses. Further, look for dark spots of insect waste where bedbugs might crawl into hiding places on furniture, walls, and floors. wash clothing and bedding in hot water and then again hot water that will not burn finger and added 1 cap full Thieves Cleaner and 6 drops of purification. Then dry on hot

Bite Back Against Bedbugs

Get rid of infested mattresses and box springs or cover them with a plastic mattress bag to trap the bugs. Wash clothes and bedding in hot water, and dry on high heat. Clean furniture and vacuum cracks in wood floors and doors where bugs may hide. Shake out suitcases. Use your thieves spray and thieves cleaner the cracks of floors or bed frames.

Bed Bug Formula
10 drop Palo Santo
6 drops Eu7calyptus Blue
5 drops Ceadarwood
Put into a bottle as listed and mix then add 4 oz distilled water and spray.

Mattress Sachets:
To go after nesting eggs combine corn starch, or baking soda in cotton homemade tea bag looking containers and add the formula above and place under mattress.

Purification, Palo Santo, and Eucalyptus Blue in the room

Don’t forget to spray the mattress when changing the sheets with Thieves Spray.
Your Travel diffuser is great to take with you when traveling e specially in hotel and Motel rooms also great for purifying the air (Purification and Thieves).

Listen to Janet Mc Bride on WLW Cincinnati’s Bill Cunningham Show discussing the Bed Bug Crisis.
Click Here

God Bless, and Have a Great Day,

Nancy Sanderson


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221 – Edema: Lymphatic Drainage

Dr. Leanne suggests Grapefruit, Cypress and Lemon in water and drink throughout the day or until the edema is down.




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199 – Sore Throat Helpers

Tea Tree, Ravansara, Thieves lozenges,

Sore throat blend by Gary:

2 drops thyme
2 drops cypress
1 drop Eucalyptus radiata
1 drop peppermint
1 drop myrrh

Sore throat blend #2:

2 drops Eucalyptus globulus
5 drops lemon
2 drops wintergreen

Use for inhalation.


Rice Milk, 2-4 times daily. It is beneficial to heat the rice milk & sip slowly for more soothing relief.

Syrup: 3-5 times daily


Tongue: 2-6 times daily or as often as needed

Gargle: 4- 8 times daily


Dilute: 50-50 apply 1-3 drops to throat, chest, & back of neck. 2-4 times daily.

Compress: Warm on throat & chest area 2-3 times daily.

Vita Flex: apply 1-3 drops to lung Vita Flex points, 1-3 times daily

Raindrop Technique: Weekly

Dietary supplementation:

Super C, Super C Chewable, ImmuPro, Exodus, Longevity Softgels, Omega Blue softgels.

I also find dropping 1-3 drops of Thieves is excellent for a sore throat. Liquid Bee Propolis is good too…they do momentarily burn…it is worth it!

Hope this helps.

Dr. Linda. Douglas


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195 – Custom Made Facial Mask

Very easy to make is Banana Honey Facial Mask(or Agave Mask). You need one ripe banana and 1 tbsp of honey (try raw honey) or agave.

Mash together with 1-2 drops essential oils of your choice. Apply to face, relax for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask according to Dr. Sabina DeVita is good for all skin types. Balancing oils are: Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Rose, Orange, Lemon, Lavender, Geranium, Elemi, Cypress,Bergamot, Clary Sage.

You can try your own mask with avocado pulp or my own Mask ala Jola invention: 1 tbsp French Green Clay, 1-2 tbsp Ningxia and 2 drops of essential oil.

Have fun and relax, start your new face with first New Moon of the new decade,



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